The Bodybuilder

These art objects let me feel my own living form through the many shapes they had been pressed into.    


It’s weird how hitting the ground doesn’t really hurt.



It’s weird how hitting the ground doesn’t really hurt.

The Bodybuilder

These art objects let me feel my own living form through the many shapes they had been pressed into.    

Against Redemption

Social media is filled with documentation of human suffering. So why read a tragic novel?

Discourse and the Dirt Rave

In the offline world, it’s totally possible for something to be great and terrible at the same time.

'You're Tap-Dancing and Then It's Back to the Cave': An Interview with Melissa Broder

The author of Death Valley on writerly solitude, the demise of Twitter, and Best Western Grab 'n' Go breakfasts. 

‘Stories of Haunted Houses’: An Interview with Rachel Aviv

The author of Strangers to Ourselves on finding new ways to understand mental illness.

The Fence

On growing up trans in the Yukon.

Breaking the Infinite Content Loop

Please Unsubscribe, Thanks! encourages us to press eject. 

'We Must Allow the Hungrier, Weaker Parts of Ourselves': An Interview with Fancy Feast

The author of Naked: On Sex, Work, and Other Burlesques on the hot potato of performance art, the nutritiousness of filth, and exorcisms.