
An illustration of a woman with her back to the viewer looking out at a desert scene littered with cacti through which three distinct paths wind into the distance
So Much Grows

Desire and decision may not line up. Or indecision ends up being its own decision.

A collage of a hand pouring coffee into a cup, the golden arches of a McDonald's sign, feet on a massage table, a hand holding a woman's hair, and a woman smoking, all against a star-studded night sky.
We Are All Animals at Night

Working night shifts was exhausting, but it showed me a side of humanity and community I haven’t experienced since.

A woman entering a colourful, empty bar
The Barmaid

The underpaid part-time job is a cornerstone of teenage life. None shaped me more than the year I spent  in our town's “premier fun pub.”

A person in a rowboat wearing a yellow shirt rows out of a bank of fog into calm blue water. Streams of sunlight illuminate the front of the boat.
The Fog

For the first time, I understood despair and saw my children burning.

On Hope

When my husband suffered a stroke, I was determined that this was not going to be the thing that unwound our love.

The Best Worst Year

On pregnancy and grief during pandemic lockdown.

My Experience In a School Shooting

“Not here, not this school.” Until it is.

Giving Up the Ghost

Life and death by misadventure.

A Stranger's Pleasure

Overheard intimacy pulls the listener into its orbit, insinuating complicity where there is none. 

Crazy Wisdom: A Love Story

My parents' bizarre, unlikely matchmaker, the cult leader.