The author of One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This on euphemistic violence, Western hypocrisy, and personal complicity.
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The veteran journalist and author of At a Loss for Words on how leaders have—and do—use language to sow the seeds of discord.
The author of Any Person Is the Only Self on authorial trust, the occult of reading, and circles of heightened attention.
The author of There’s Always This Year on basketball, what drags him to the page, and the communal act of fasting.
The author of Dayspring discusses queerness, Christianity, and the anxious sense that history is over.
The author of Wild Houses on peripheral main characters, small town lore, and growing up around people of “miscellaneous occupation.”
The author of The Extinction of Irina Rey on writing a literary sitcom about life, death and climate change.
The authors of The Memoirs of Miss Chief Eagle Testickle on creation stories, narrating suppressed accounts, and exposing subjectivity.
The author of Death Valley on writerly solitude, the demise of Twitter, and Best Western Grab 'n' Go breakfasts.
The author of Strangers to Ourselves on finding new ways to understand mental illness.
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