
|| The Berkeley Free Speech Movement student protest
Free Speech to Shut You Up

“Free speech” allows citizens to speak truth to power; it also allows Facebook users to proclaim that “Elliot Rodger is an American Hero.” As Paula Todd writes in Extreme Mean: Trolls, Bullies, and Predators Online, free speech can be a formidable censor.

|| Image via Sesame Street
A Rock-Solid Argument Against the Number Five

Alex Bellos, author of The Grapes of Math, was surprised at the detail with which people personify their favourite numbers. Obviously, four is the best.

|| Broken windows are boarded up following the 1907 Vancouver race-riot
‘White Canada’ and the Evolution of Racism

In 1907, Vancouver residents initiated a racist riot against the city’s Chinese community. Now, in 2014, current fears about a Chinese “takeover” of Vancouver real estate show the evolving nature of Canadian xenophobia.

|| The Saturn V rocket
Just a Handy Guide for Rebooting Civilization

With The Knowledge, Lewis Dartnell has written a guidebook for rebuilding human society after the apocalypse. But how can we know what we’ll know after the end?

|| Kevin, one of the few similarities between the first draft and final version of Up
Should You Kill Your Babies?

Ed Catmull’s Creativity, Inc. makes use of a familiar metaphor: the creative work as infant. But a familiar term raises the question: does the creative process require you to murder your darlings?

||Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
While Professors Starve

John Williams’ classic, Stoner, resonates especially now that the ideals its characters hold—the university as refuge for the sensitive, inquisitive types—have been so thoroughly crushed.

Human After Apocalypse

The sixth extinction is most certainly on its way. Annalee Newitz's Scatter, Adapt, and Remember asks an important, if terrifying question: If the human race survives, will it look anything like we do now?

|| Photo via Wikimedia
Animals as People You Kill

In The Thing with Feathers, Noah Strycker writes about the humanity of animals, which raises the question: how do we justify killing them?

The Clash of Civilizations (That Never Existed in the First Place)

The crisis in Ukraine has been framed as a clash of civilizations. But the very concept of “civilization” gets fuzzier the more you examine it, and may not help to illuminate real-world conflict.

Making Mars Feel Lived-On

When we get to Mars—by government agency or reality show—how will we make up our neighbourhoods? The process has already started: for just five dollars, you can claim a piece of the Red Planet.