These art objects let me feel my own living form through the many shapes they had been pressed into.
It’s weird how hitting the ground doesn’t really hurt.
Social media is filled with documentation of human suffering. So why read a tragic novel?
The cartoonist on analogue versus digital art, post-punk rock musician Rowland S. Howard, and his idea for a "Tao of comics."
The author of Lurkers on growing up in Singapore, thought experiments, and falling out of narrative.
The author of Acts of Desperation on labels flattening experience, toxic relationships, and writing through pain.
The author of Like a Boy but Not a Boy on overalls, gender binaries, and Kim Kardashian.
It’s hard to imagine how truly full of dentists Los Algodones is. They are everywhere.
The author of White Tears/Brown Scars on white feminism, neo-imperialism, and white women as instruments of power.