These art objects let me feel my own living form through the many shapes they had been pressed into.
It’s weird how hitting the ground doesn’t really hurt.
Social media is filled with documentation of human suffering. So why read a tragic novel?
For centuries, queerness and horror have been intertwined, horror relying on queerness for shock and pungency, and queerness relying on horror for visibility and validation.
The author of All’s Well on dark academia, Shakespearean witches, and the tragicomedy of chronic pain
The author of Jam Bake on flavour libraries, candied fruit and making things with your hands that taste good.
The author of Seek You on recognizing obsessions, Sandra Bullock, and separating solitude and loneliness.
Julia Child's collaborator Simone Beck has lingered as an object of pity in public memory. But maybe Beck didn’t want stardom at all.
Talking to the author of Virtue about writing as shedding self-consciousness, the impossibility of living an uncompromised life in a compromised world, and Toni Morrison's bathroom.