
Not Made by Great Men

The Great Man theory has serious flaws, as many have pointed out over the years. But it's no less attractive—or useful, perhaps—for its failures.

The Privilege and Trauma of Boarding School

What happens when you send kids far away from their parents, to be raised by adults who don't love them in hallowed halls of learning? According to George Orwell, it's a childhood without much joy.

| | Photo by Pidjoe/iStockphoto
My Visit to the Psychic

At the start of a new year, otherworldly guidance is always useful. Especially if a supernatural thriller has you obsessed with demons to the point of sleeping with the light on. How do you cleanse your spiritual palate?

|| 'Chav' Vicky Pollard on BBC's Little Britain
On Mick Jagger, Mockney Accents, and Being a Chav

There's a lineage of middle and upper-class British pop stars, actors and chefs who've affected a Cockney accent as part of their persona—whether opportunistically or as a form of tribute. Then the Chav came along. Does how we speak say anything about the person we are?

| The Body of Abel Found by Adam and Eve | William Blake , | Plate 4, Visions of the Daughters of Albion | William Blake
How Poetry is and isn't Like an Hallucination

In his new book, Oliver Sacks describes a poet who began experiencing vivid hallucinations as she went blind late in life, and put those visions to use in her work. Which raises a question: what's the difference between dream and hallucination, the poetic vision and figment of imagination?

|| Photo by leaveittamama
My Near Death Experience

Youthful inexperience led to a near death encounter that left the author bruised and shaken. But in the aftermath of survival those who have been to the edge and back are left with a difficult question: what is the best way to live?

The Value of Toilets

In areas where tenancy is unstable and human waste ubiquitous, how do you implement a sanitation system?


At a Brooklyn Walgreens, toiletries sit under lock and key. On social contracts and the nature of locks.

| Image from Stanley Kubrick's The Shining
The Age of Psychopathy

Just as nervous disorders were once considered refined, aspects of psychopathy may be an asset in today's world. So what kind of world are we living in?

| Portrait of architect Adolf Loos by Oscar Kokoschka
Reading Faces

Science, psychology, and art all suggest that our faces are windows to our inner lives. But sometimes it can be pretty hard to see through those windows.