
Generation Roe: De-Medicalizing Abortion

Is there any reason why midwives and nurses—who would allow women greater control over their reproductive life—shouldn't perform abortions?

The Crazy Drama of Physics

Understanding physics is like catching up with a soap opera: very complicated. Thankfully, there are trailers to keep us up to date.

||Virgil reading the Aenied, by Jean-Baptiste Wicar
What Would Virgil Do? (Or Martha Stewart, or Tower of Power?)

The ancient Romans consulted Virgil for big decisions, by opening The Aeneid at random and interpreting the passage. If it worked for the Romans, it can work for a columnist eating sandwiches at her sister's apartment.

||Image from the play "13" by Mike Bartlett, at Britain's National Theatre.
Shrinking the Economy for Fun (and Out of Dire Necessity)

Degrowth economists argue that perpetual growth is unsustainable—therefore, we'd better contract the economy on purpose. And while this may seem unthinkable to some, it's a lot less loony—or dire—than we might assume.

||A musical score by composer Iannis Xenakis , ||A musical score by composer Iannis Xenakis , ||A musical score by composer Iannis Xenakis
When Noise Becomes Sound

What's the difference between an assault to the eardrums and a treat for them? The answer is a matter of aesthetics, yes, but also time and distance.

||Penshurst Place
A Tip for Nervous House Guests

For those concerned with etiquette, there's nothing more nerve-wracking than an extended stay at a friend's house. How does one earn their keep? The answer, perhaps: write the hosts a poem.

What Sylvia Plath Ruined for Me

The book you're reading, or the literary figure you currently idolize, can colour your life as you live it. And this can create problems.

The Egg Came First

While there are compelling arguments on both sides of the age-old debate, there's a good reason for preferring one to the other, and it doesn't have much to do with science.

||Radio signals analyzed for extraterrestrial life by SETI volunteers
Do Aliens Have Souls?

The Catholic church is ready for aliens, theologically speaking. But extraterrestrials could mean bad news for more than just religious doctrine, and there's a chance they'll be nothing like we expect.

||Photo: Mark Tucker
Sim Universe

According to some physicists, there's a chance that our world is simulated. Which is an unsettling concept, until you remember something: novels are simulated worlds.