George Saunders’ Favorite Stories, Weird Bob Dylan, and Juggalos on the March

By Hazlitt

"But then I stabbed the shit out of her." Hazlitt contributor Kathleen Hale hunts feral hogs in Florida.

George Saunders picks his favorite short stories.

Vladimir Putin, in a stunning reversal, turns out to not be a fan of tools and services that allow users the freedom of online anonymity.

You can still help a Detroit resident pay their water bill.

"March of the Juggalos."

With A Most Wanted Man in theatres (featuring Philip Seymour Hoffman’s final starring role), Ruth Baron has a few suggested John le Carré starting points for the uninitiated.

Moms leave the workplace because they are REASONABLE.

“The electrons dance away from the great as well as the good. Overall, this is no comfort whatsoever; to accept probability theory is to acknowledge that eventually the United States and the Russians must engage in a nuclear exchange or that your goodly wife will eventually screw the mailman or the yoga instructor.” This is how David Simon writes about baseball.

Azealia Banks is not just a good rapper with a self-defeating Twitter presence; she is a genius. Show some respect. 

DMX has turned into such a nice dad-rapper.

How Did Bob Dylan Get So Weird? and other questions I ask myself every single day.

GQ has compiled a list of factoids that have something to do with the way men are.

GQ has also asked a lot of eminent musicians to pick the best songs of "summer."

This Wednesday-night-karaoke enthusiast recommends.