Michael DeForge was born in 1987 and draws comics in Toronto, Ontario. His series Lose is published annually by Koyama Press and his graphic novel Ant...
Michael DeForge was born in 1987 and draws comics in Toronto, Ontario. His series Lose is published annually by Koyama Press and his graphic novel Ant Colony will be released this winter from Drawn and Quarterly.
She has an undeniable body of work, first-name-only recognition status, and now a Nobel Prize. Why is it so hard to love or hate Alice Munro’s writing in intellectual terms rather than personal ones?
There’s a great tradition, from Poe to The Wire, of the crime drama that forgets it's a crime drama—and concerns itself, instead, with the minutiae of its characters’ lives. The author’s favourite book of 2013, Keith Ridgway’s Hawthorn & Child, is a model of the genre.