
Claire Denis: Studies in Desire, Heartbreak, and Bodies in Motion

This month TIFF celebrates the work of the ever rigorous and challenging French director, whose Beau Travail was a fixture on just about every "Best of" list of the 2000s. Here follows a cheat sheet to the one director everybody ought to know.

The Geometry of the Place: Model Shop and the L.A. Experience

Filmmakers often romanticize their hometowns on screen, but, as Jacques Demy’s vision of Los Angeles in Model Shop shows, sometimes it takes a tourist’s fresh eyes to reveal the beauty that locals miss.

Sympathy for the Devils: What The Bling Ring Gets Wrong

Starting in 2008, a gang of California teens burglarized the rich and famous, making off with their red-carpet gowns and Louis Vuitton luggage. In The Bling Ring, her film about the robberies, Sofia Coppola exhibits a surprising—and disappointing—lack of sympathy for the underdogs.

Living the Married Life in Before Midnight

It's been nearly two decades since we met Celine and Jesse in Before Sunrise. Now, in Before Midnight, their relationship has fully transformed—a brief fling to a real life together, with all the safety and strain that accompanies such change.

The Fabric of Life: Notes on the Films of James Gray

From his early crime pictures such as Little Odessa to the more understated romance of Two Lovers, the literary genius of Gray’s films isn’t found in the building of sweeping, epic stories, but rather in how perfectly he captures the mundanities of real life.

Flesh & Blood: On Showgirls, Hollow Man, and Paul Verhoeven’s Legacy

Most of Paul Verhoeven’s films have developed cult followings over time, even if only for their laughable dialogue and campy plotlines. Why has Hollow Man escaped this nostalgic treatment and remained a deeply disliked film?

Chris Marker and the Art of the Essay-Film

The late filmmaker Chris Marker’s fascination with the recurring graffiti of a grinning yellow cat on the streets of Paris sheds surprising light on the human condition.