These art objects let me feel my own living form through the many shapes they had been pressed into.
It’s weird how hitting the ground doesn’t really hurt.
Social media is filled with documentation of human suffering. So why read a tragic novel?
The author of The School of Mirrors on sexual violence, the history of midwifery, and opening up archival silences.
Ecological grief captures a newly defined set of emotions, all connected to our personal relationship to the natural world.
The author of Slenderman on deinstitutionalization, early onset schizophrenia, and "crimes of the century."
“I like when you watch something,” Isaac once told Rolling Stone, “and you get the sense it’s something you’re not supposed to be seeing.”
The author of Bad Sex on the body horror of pregnancy, selling books about sex, and why this might be her last word on her mother’s body of work.
The author of My Face in the Light on artistic process, phsyical mediums as a foil to writing, and the tension between surface and interior.