
‘You Need a Lot of Stamina to Make Comics’: An Interview with Paul Pope

The cartoonist on analogue versus digital art, post-punk rock musician Rowland S. Howard, and his idea for a "Tao of comics."

'I Like Writing Stories That Get Carried Away': An Interview with Michael DeForge

Talking to the author and artist of Leaving Richard's Valley and Stunt about addressing working conditions in comics, benevolent cults, and the pleasure of soliloquies.

'I Take That Idea of Transmitting an Experience and Go Really Weird with It': An Interview with Sloane Leong

Talking to the creator of Prism Stalker about body horror, complicating stories of subjugation and colonialism, and finding inspiration in Sailor Moon.

'You Want to be Surrounded by Weirdness': An Interview with Anna Haifisch

The author of Von Spatz on the relationship between creativity and mental health, deer-drawing and Disney, and the allure of American landscapes. 

Sledgehammer Pt. 3

"Oh my god. Why do you play these awful pranks."

'So Many People Are Allergic to Ideas of Spirituality': An Interview with Jesse Jacobs

Talking to the Crawl Space cartoonist about putting characters in danger, the union between humans and nature, and the effects on his work of living in a beautiful place.

Look Outside Pt. 1

"No matter how far we drove, I looked back and I could still see them."

Sledgehammer Pt. 2

"Okay, never mind. Go back to destroying the house."

Maurice, Son of Noah Pt. 5

Did she see the man, or just the soiled linen?

Maurice, Son of Noah Pt. 4

There are an approximate 239456789987565 flood myths in recorded history. Here’s another one.