
Banner for The ClairFree System by Jillian Tamaki for Hazlitt
Early Stories Pt. 5: The ClairFree System

Faith. Magic. Something that would let me feel normal. Make me feel worthy of love.

Banner for PassOVOver by Cameron Nicholson for Hazlitt

Take a seat and join us as we eat, drink, and share the untold story of how the Prince of Toronto became the 6 God.

Banner for She's Done it All! Part 1 by Benjamin Urkowitz for Hazlitt
She's Done it All!

Every night she celebrates by drinking fermented galaxies.

Banner for Live, Laugh, Love Part 2 by Jeremy Sorese for Hazlitt
Live, Laugh, Love Pt. 2

I hear my mother, drunk, playing the teenager.

Banner for Little Teeth Returns Part 1
Little Teeth Returns Pt. 1

Polyamory?? Is that the new club down on 32nd?

Banner for Early Stories Pt. 4 by Jillian Tamaki for Hazlitt
Early Stories Pt. 4: Bed Bug

But soon, we both had bites in the tell-tale rows.

Banner for Live, Laugh, Love Part 1 by Jeremy Sorese for Hazlitt
Live, Laugh, Love Pt. 1

You were the only person I told about seeing my father.

Early Stories Pt. 3: Boundless

"Ever since I was hatched, I have known the universe is a dangerous place."

Angels' Share Pt. 5

"Hey Kiddo. This is Lawson."