Art and Design

A graphic of two anthropomorphic books, one bright pink and one pale cream, with a background of a city skyline and two piles of books on either sides.
The Two Solitudes of Book Design

From spartan cream to splashy blobs, Canada's French and English literary cultures have their own separate visual languages.

, , , ||Don McCullin
Legendary War Photographer Don McCullin Wonders What It Was All Worth

Beginning in the 1960s, Don McCullin's images of war, urban strife, and poverty helped define and popularize the practice of photojournalism as we know it today. With a retrospective exhibition of McCullin's work currently at the National Gallery, we spoke with McCullin, who now questions the value of the very images he risked his life to capture.

The Gothamist Movement

From Deco to Dystopian: An architectural survey of Batman comics and movies.