These art objects let me feel my own living form through the many shapes they had been pressed into.
It’s weird how hitting the ground doesn’t really hurt.
Social media is filled with documentation of human suffering. So why read a tragic novel?
The genocidal mind is not the preserve of cartoon monsters in history books. It is a collusion of psychological habits groomed and grown in people like us when we fixate on our private gardens.
Smuggling contraband in from the realm of the actual.
The author of The Extinction of Irina Rey on writing a literary sitcom about life, death and climate change.
Back in high school a friend had called me Matt Damon in the drawl of Team America, but the connection to Tom Ripley felt more psychic, fundamental.
I learned to ignore the doubt that lapped at my ankles, a wave that rose every time I kissed him goodbye, left town for work or travel, and remembered, with a shock, how happily whole I felt alone.