
Banner for Early Stories Pt. 4 by Jillian Tamaki for Hazlitt
Early Stories Pt. 4: Bed Bug

But soon, we both had bites in the tell-tale rows.

Banner for Live, Laugh, Love Part 1 by Jeremy Sorese for Hazlitt
Live, Laugh, Love Pt. 1

You were the only person I told about seeing my father.

Early Stories Pt. 3: Boundless

"Ever since I was hatched, I have known the universe is a dangerous place."

Angels' Share Pt. 5

"Hey Kiddo. This is Lawson."

Banner for Title Match by Flynn Nicholls for Hazlitt
Title Match

"You thought you had me on the ropes..."

Banner for Country Darkness by K.L. Ricks for Hazlitt
Country Darkness Pt. 2

Editor's Note: Always leave your phone on vibrate.

Banner for Early Stories Pt. 2: Body Pods II
Early Stories Pt. 2: Body Pods II

"By Monday, the Body Pods poster was gone."

The Beauty Theorem Banner by Benjamin Urkowitz for Hazlitt
The Beauty Theorem

"I went to school to study a very lucrative field of science."

'We Can't Necessarily Anticipate How Magneto Might Act': An Interview with Cullen Bunn

Speaking with the comic writer about the history and current state of horror comics, the hot tempers of Aquaman fans, and life as a child hypnotist.