Twitter John Michael McGrath is a Digital Media Producer for TVO. Interview 'What's True is the Cynicism': An Interview with Shawn Micallef John Michael McGrath Politics Separatism is Dead, Now For Zombie Separatism John Michael McGrath Politics ‘Rob Ford Arrests’ is a Poor Metric for Success John Michael McGrath Politics If Taiwan’s Tense, Maybe They’ve Just Been Watching the News John Michael McGrath Politics Will the Bush Name Still Be Toxic in 2016? John Michael McGrath Politics Is This the Beginning of the End for Erdogan’s Era in Turkey? John Michael McGrath Urbanism Big Airports Have Their Place, and It’s Usually Not Downtown John Michael McGrath War History Doesn’t Lie: The Failure of Imperialism John Michael McGrath Politics Death By a Thousand Cuts: The Week in Rob Ford John Michael McGrath Politics Jim Flaherty’s Legacy of Competence Despite a History of Bad Decisions John Michael McGrath Politics There is No Sensible Reading of Quebec’s Charter of Values John Michael McGrath Politics Toronto’s Phony War Is Over: the Week In Toronto Politics John Michael McGrath Environment Celebrating 35 Years of Climate-Change Inaction John Michael McGrath Load More