Why Gerald Johanssen Matters

October 15, 2014

"Wanna go throw rocks at Helga throwing rocks at a dumpster?"

"A new ProPublica investigation has found that black male teens are 21 times more likely to be killed by a cop than their white counterparts... As we continue the struggle, then, we are wise to remember that at its most potent, 'your grandparents' civil rights movement' was more than 'a little messy,' and no less moral by virtue of that."

“I didn’t feel obliged [to write the book]. It was just something I finally couldn’t escape. I would have avoided it if I could have. But you find yourself in this terrible queue and that’s your task.” Richard Flanagan is this year’s Man Booker Prize winner for The Narrow Road to the Deep North. Here he is talking to Guernica; here he is on Bookworm.

Why diversity in children's programming matters.

From Kyle Wagner at Deadspin, a comprehensive and thoroughly depressing look at Gamergate and the nightmarish future of discourse it suggests.

Hazlitt favourite Rawiya Kameir profiled Willow Smith for Fader.

“Aren’t you worried this pregnancy could be high-risk? What the fuck are you doing announcing it already? That is super bad manners! Yes indeedy! If I miscarry, I will tell you, and we can be sad together.” Wonkette editor Rebecca Schoenkopf announced her pregnancy in wonderfully Wonkette fashion.

Jeremy Keehn on John Branch's Boy on Ice: Life and Death of Derek Boogaard.

Tidbits from Neil Patrick Harris's new autobiography.

What music do you listen to when you need to concentrate?

“Bullfighting. The bourbon of sports.”

"I was already a mother of two, which puts me in the majority of American women who have abortions. Six out of 10 are mothers, which makes sense, because a mother could not fool herself into believing that having another baby was no big deal."