Stacey May Fowles goes deep into CanLit's girl stories, from Anne of Green Gables to Marjorie Celona’s Giller nominated Y, and finds a lot of... sadness.
I know I already told you about Brett Easton Ellis going off about David Foster Wallace on Twitter, but now there's more to say. Gerald Howard, who acted as editor for both authors, gave a little historical—and personal—context for BEE's grievances at Salon, and the Post's David Berry generously gives Ellis the benefit of the doubt, choosing to engage with the way the barbed tweets frame DFW's reception—“a kind of Deepak Chopra for people who say they 'Like books'”—rather the works themselves.
Junot Díaz nearly caused a riot just by showing up to read from his new book. I loved Jen Vafidis on This is How You Lose Her, for the LARB.
And finally: Philip Roth vs. Wikipedia.