Erín Moure

Montreal poet Erín Moure is in perpetual motion. Since 1979: 16 books of poetry in English and Galician/English, a book of essays, a biopoetics/memoir, and 13 volumes of poetry translated into English from French, Spanish, Galician and Portuguese, by poets such as Nicole Brossard, Andrés Ajens, Louise Dupré, Rosalía de Castro, Chus Pato and Fernando Pessoa. Her work has received the Governor General's Award, Pat Lowther Memorial Award, A.M. Klein Prize, and has been a three-time finalist for the Griffin Prize. Her latest is Insecession, a biopoetical echo to Chus Pato’s biopoetics Secession; the two appeared in April as one book from BookThug. "To Go To Lviv" is from Kapusta, to appear in 2015 from Anansi.


for Oksana and Taras Dudko in Lviv

But as we were in Lviv from the very beginning
My father really liked the city of Lviv
He decided to move back to Lviv.
We dwelt in Lviv in those days
We left everything...