Film Adaptations and Blaming Society

Yann Martel’s happy to take basically no credit for the success of the film adaptation of his record breaking second book, Life of Pi, and is instead hard at work on a new novel, which is about a rhinoceros. What else?

Sterling Lord, longtime literary agent to Jack Kerouac, sat down for lunch with Vanity Fair, for some sweet reminiscing on the occasion of that new On the Road movie—and back at TIFF Hazlitt contributor Sarah Nicole Prickett interviewed the movie’s leading woman, Kristen Stewart.

“Society, people seem to agree, is somehow to blame.” Is the novel beyond saving? According to Sam Byers: maybe, maybe not. For my part, I’ll just keep tweeting and reading books, and will the vortex of anxiety to gradually dissipate...if only to reform later as some other storm.